Na Zuo

Associate Professor of Practice

Dr. Zuo teaches agribusiness management, finance, economic principles, and food economy. She was a visiting faculty member at Eastern Kentucky University from August 2015 to May 2016, where she taught seven courses related to agribusiness and advised a student team competing in the 2016 Alltech Innovation Competition. 

Her research examines issues of natural resource development with a focus on the interaction between fossil fuel extraction and community development. She also studies instructional pedagogies, including collaborative learning and inclusive teaching.

Dr. Zuo is originally from Shandong, China. She was an undergraduate at Shandong University and master's student at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.


Brown, R., Hamilton, L., Kiesel, K., Treme, J. and Zuo, Na, 2021. Pedagogical Pivot-Faculty Reflections on the Rapid Transition to Virtual Teaching During COVID-19. In Western Economics Forum,19 (1): 120-129.

Brown, R., Buck, S., Kibler, M., Penn, J. and Zuo, Na, 2021. Course-related student anxiety during COVID-19: A problem and some solutionsApplied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR)3(1): 1-21.

Zuo, Na, and Zhong, H. 2020. Can Resource Policy Reverse the Resource Curse? Evidence from ChinaResource Policy, 68 (2020): 101733.

Kiesel, K.,  Zuo, Na, Plakias, Z.T., Pena-Levano, L.M., Barkley, A., Lacy, K., Hanson, E. and Treme, J. 2020. Increasing Student Engagement in a Changing Academic EnvironmentApplied Economics and Teaching Resources, 2 (3): 15-28.

Brown, R., Zuo, Na, Shockley, J. and Buck, S. 2019. An Authentic Learning Approach to Group Assignments: An Analysis of Student AttitudesApplied Economics and Teaching Resources 1 (2): 1-13.

Wilson, P.N. and Zuo, Na, 2019. Outstanding Seniors: Where Have All the Young Men Gone?Applied Economics and Teaching Resources 1 (2): 31-42.

Brown, R., Zuo, Na, Shockley, J. and Buck, S. 2019. The Project Manager/Private Contractor Approach to Group AssignmentsApplied Economics and Teaching Resources 1 (2): 64-73.

Zuo, Na, Schieffer, J., Buck, S. 2019. The Effect of the Energy Boom on Schooling Decisions in the U.S. Resource and Energy Economics 55: 1-23.

Awards & Honors

Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA) Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2022
Gerald J Swanson Prize for Teaching Excellence, 2022
Bart Cardon Early Career Faculty Teaching Award for the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, 2020
Wildcat Family Spirit Award, Classified Staff Council at UA, 2019
Graduate Student Teaching Award, AAEA, 2017
AREC/PPEL 210, Understanding the World of Commerce
AREC 297, Excel Applications for Economic Analysis
AREC 304, Intermediate Production and Consumption Analysis
AREC 315, Agribusiness Economics and Management
AREC/NAFS 365, The Food Economy - Efficiencies, Gaps and Policies
AREC 450/550, Financial Management for Agribusiness


  • Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, 2017
  • M.S., Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2011
  • B.S., Finance, Shandong University, 2009