Student profile: Tatum Bingham
Tatum Bingham's story.
Tatum Bingham, senior, pursuing a B.S. degree in Agribusiness Economics & Management with an emphasis in Agricultural Economics. Tatum is a current intern with the Arizona Farm Bureau Government Relations and tabled at an event at the Arizona State Capitol on January 31, 2023. AREC extends its congratulations on your continued involvement in community engagement and education. Learn more regarding our internship enrollment for academic credit here.
In Tatum’s words:
“The event was put on by the Arizona Farm Bureau, each county in Arizona had a table set up highlighting their contributions to the agricultural economy. My county, Yuma, AZ, had various products such as head lettuce, romaine, dates, and even pasta that comes from our durum wheat in the spring/summer season on display to demonstrate our contributions. Yuma County even had a video playing that Professor Frisvold had a major role in supplying facts and narration. The legislators were given goodie bags of these items and we encouraged them to think of Yuma County as they ate their crisp salads for dinner that night.
The purpose of the event was to have the legislature come out and sort witness the agriculture in Arizona and serve as a reminder that we are affected by the policies that they propose and vote on day in and day out. As collegiate members of Young Farmers and Ranchers, Dominic and I either served as spokespeople for our county or led the representatives around to each county booth. Lunch was served and was overall just a relationship builder with our representatives from around the state.
Personally, I have an internship with the Arizona Farm Bureau Government Relations so an event like this was a great way to begin. It was nice to shake the hands of some of the people that truly have the fate of Yuma's agriculture, especially in regards to our water.”