Trent Teegerstrom

Associate Director for Tribal Extension Programs
Extension Specialist
Senior Associate Director, Programs

Mr. Teegerstrom joined the Department faculty in 1997. His main areas of concentration are production economics and risk management education. In Arizona, much of his work is focused on the continued development of the Arizona Vegetable Budgets, the Arizona Field Crop Budgets, the Cost and Return Estimates for the state's livestock industry, and the Arizona Farm Machinery cost estimates. He is currently involved in a number of regional studies covering agricultural labor and risk management. Mr. Teegerstrom is a member of the Western Farm Management Extension Committee and a board member for Southwest Indian Agriculture Association (SWIAA).  Mr. Teegerstrom is also the Associate Director of Tribal Extension for the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences,

View the video highlighting the important work Cooperative Extension does with Arizona Tribal communities:

NWAL COVID-19 Storyboard:

National FRTEP Website:

U of A Cooperative Extension:


Behe, B.K., Hodges, A.W., Newman, J.P., Teegerstrom,T.,  Kenkel, P., Schuch, U. 2014. Business Management Basics. Chapter 18 in Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual, J.P. Newman, ed., University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources 3540: 262–90.

Schuch U.K., Kelly J.J., and Teegerstrom T. Capillary Mats for Maintenance of Plants in the Retail NurseryHortTechnology 2008.

Teegerstrom T., and Schuch U.K. 2007. Managing Risk for Nursery Producers-New Insurance to Add to Your Tool Box. Southwest Horticulture: 11.

Schuch U. K. and Teegerstrom T. 2006. Managing Risk for Nursery Producers-Tools to Consider. Arizona Nursery Association: 17.

Rosenberg, H., Schuch, U., Teegerstrom T. 2005. Chill Out: Heat-stress Awareness Is the First Step to Worker Safety When Temperatures Soar. American Nurseryman.

Awards & Honors

Administrator of the Year Award 2019-2020, Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension (ALVSCE)
Appointed Personnel of the Year Award for Excellence, CALES, University of Arizona
Outstanding Extension Project Group Award, WAEA
Outstanding Service to the Western Center for Risk Management Education
Cooperative Extension Team Award, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension


  • M.S., West Virginia University, 1993