Satheesh Aradhyula

Associate Professor

Dr. Aradhyula maintains broad interests in agricultural economics and economics. Major fields include quantitative policy analysis, applied econometric and time series methods, production economics, and risk and uncertainty.

Satheesh Aradhyula’s current research focuses on using advanced econometric techniques for analyzing consumer behavior (e.g., preferences for various food attributes), producer behavior (e.g., adoption of agricultural technology involving uncertainty), and labor markets (e.g., effects of the SB1070 law on labor markets). He is also working on using GARCH models and mixed distributions for modeling commodity prices and crop yields. Professor Aradhyula currently teaches econometrics, statistical methods, and data analytics at graduate and undergraduate levels. In the past, Dr. Aradhyula served as co-editor of the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.


Muse, R.N. and Aradhyula, S. 2020. Correlated Discrete and Continuous Outcomes with Endogeneity and Lagged Effects: Past Season Yield Impact on Improved Corn Seed Adoption. Journal of Applied Statistics, (forthcoming)

Sall, I., Tronstad, R. and Aradhyula, S. 2019. Beef Producer Alliance Preferences for Vertical Coordination: A Bivariate Nested Panel Probit Approach. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 44 (1): 164–78.

Li, Na, Ker, A., Sam, A.G. and Aradhyula, S. 2017. Modeling Regime-dependent Agricultural Commodity Price VolatilitiesAgricultural Economics 48 (6):683–91.

Beattie, B. and Aradhyula, S. 2016. A Note on Threshold Factor Level(s) and Stone-Geary TechnologyJournal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 47 (4): 482–93.

Rahman, T., Kohli, M., Medgal, S., Aradhyula, S. and Moxley, J. 2010. Determinants of Environmental Noncompliance by Public Water Systems. Contemporary Economic Policy 28 (2): 264–74.

Aradhyula, S. and Ergun, A.T. 2004. Trading Collar, Intraday Periodicity and Stock Market Volatility.  Applied Financial Economics 14 (13): 909–13.

Awards & Honors

Quality of Research Discovery Award, AAEA
Outstanding Ph. D. Thesis Award, Honorable Mention, AAEA
AREC 239, Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
ECON 418, Introduction to Econometrics
AREC 548, Introduction to Statistical Methods in Economics
AREC 549, Applied Econometric Analysis
AREC 580, Mathematics for Economists


  • Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1989
  • M.Sc., Indian Agricultural Res. Institute, 1982
  • B.Sc., Andhra Pradesh Agri. University, 1982