José Soto
ENR2 418
Dr. Soto’s research centers on the modeling of coupled natural-human systems at different spatial and temporal scales—for both fundamental insight and practical real-world applications. His current focus involves the use of non-market valuation and survey-based methodologies to examine ecosystem services, which are embedded in complex, social-ecological systems. He collaborates with natural scientists, along with local, state, and federal land managers to investigate issues related to wildlife, climate change, forest water yield, carbon sequestration, and invasive species.
Adams, D.C., Susaeta, A., Soto, J.R., Rossi, F., de Grammont, P.C., Messina, W.A., Koch, F.H., Gomez, D. and Hulcr, J. 2019. A bioeconomic model for estimating potential economic damages from a hypothetical Asian beetle introduced via future trade with Cuba. Journal of Bioeconomics: 1-26
Pienaar, E.F., Soto, J.R., Lai, J., and Adams, D.C., 2019. Would County Residents Vote for an Increase in Their Taxes to Conserve Native Habitat and Ecosystem Services? Funding Conservation in Palm Beach County, Florida. Ecological Economics 159: 24-34.
Rubino, E.C., Pienaar, E.F. and Soto, J.R., 2018. Structuring Legal Trade in Rhino Horn to Incentivize the Participation of South African Private Landowners. Ecological Economics 154: 306-316.
White, A.E., Lutz, D.A., Howarth, R.B., and Soto, J.R., 2018. Small-scale forestry and carbon offset markets: An empirical study of Vermont Current Use forest landowner willingness to accept carbon credit programs. PloS one 13 (8): e0201967.
Soto, J.R., Escobedo, F.J., Khachatryan, H. and Adams, D.C., 2018. Consumer demand for urban forest ecosystem services and disservices: examining trade-offs using choice experiments and best-worst scaling. Ecosystem Services 29 (A): 31-39.
Dawes, L.C., Adams, A.E., Escobedo, F.J. and Soto, J.R., 2018. Socioeconomic and ecological perceptions and barriers to urban tree distribution and reforestation programs. Urban Ecosystems 21(4): 657-71.
RNR/PA 485/585 - The Economics and Social Connections to Natural Resources
RNR 615 - Ecosystem Service Valuation Methods
- Ph.D., University of Florida, 2013
- M.S., University of Arizona, 2008